Wine Or Strong Drink
Strong drink used, as a beverage is a curse; an enemy to Holy living. Today it is a growing curse in America-a stumbling block to millions of young and old people. God led Israel for forty years in the wilderness teaching them His ways. He fed them, and their clothing did not wear out. They drank no Wine or Strong Drink all that time (Deuteronomy 29:6). If Israel was better off without the Wine and Strong Drink on their way to the promise land, so are we. Strong Drink would have added to their sins and rebellion. No Wine was used in the Passover services during the forty years.
The Scriptures show that drunkenness was one of the major vices of ancient times, even among the Hebrews. Among the better-known cases of intoxication are the following: Noah- (Genesis 9:21) and Lot- (Genesis 19:33-35). The prophets frequently denounce drunkenness as a great social evil of the wealthy. Even the women were guilty (Amos 4:1). The symptoms and effects of strong drink are vividly pictured in the Bible (Isaiah 28:7-8), (Hosea 4:11). The cheapening of alcoholic drinks has made drunkenness a much greater social problem in modern times.
There are two Wines spoken of in the Bible. The one, sometimes called, “Strong Wine” is strictly condemned as a beverage as a mockery, as raging (Proverbs 20:1). We are told not to indulge in it, because it is poison to us physically and morally (Deuteronomy 32:33). It is a curse in America and many other nations today, a stumbling block to millions. Several Hebrew words occur, of which two are frequent: Yayin, wine which is intoxicating; and Tirosh, fresh or sweet wine, grape-juice. In the New Testament the Greek word: Oinos, is new, sweet wine; or grape juice, which may imply that the disciples were known to drink only unfermented grape juice, the “pure blood of the grape,” that cheers God and man, a blessing and not a curse. This is the wine that Holy men of old drank. This is the wine that Jesus made at Cana. This is the fruit of the vine, Grape Juice that the disciples drank at the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:20).
Means for preserving grape juice were well known. If one wished to have grape juice all year, he would put grape juice in an amphora and seal the cork with pitch; sink it in a fish pond, and after 30 days take it out. It would be grape juice for a whole year. At the Last Supper Jesus spoke of “the fruit of the vine,” (Matthew 26:29), as in the Passover liturgy. It may be a studied avoidance of the term wine; indicating that the drink was unfermented, as the bread also was unleavened. Whatever use Jesus or others made of wine is no proof that its use in our tense age is wine. The Bible gives more space to the danger than to the benefit of wine.
The word “Wine” as used in the many Bible texts does sometimes refer directly to the pure grape juice, and that some texts refer to strong wine, or fermented juice; while some texts using the word “Wine” may refer to either. Since God so pointedly condemns strong drink as dangerous both morally and physically and refers to “Wine” in the same texts, this can only refer to strong wine used as a beverage-in social drinking.
Casting a stumbling block in a weak brother’s way is a sin against Christ and may cause both that weak brother and us to be lost (1 Corinthians 8:11-13). The weak brother could be your own child, so beware what you do, or it may be your neighbor’s son or daughter. The spirit and self-denying principle of the Gospel teaches us that we should avoid everything in eating or drinking which may be an occasion of offense or apostasy to our brethren (Romans 14:21). Or anything by which a person is caused to fall, especially into a snare, a trap (Luke 21:35). Without mental vigor; without power sufficiently to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, lawful and unlawful; Salvation could be lost.
We have found that wine is a mocker (Proverbs 20:1), and we have found that it leads men away from God’s law and to pervert judgment. Thus, its influence is definitely downward away from God’s law-an enemy of Holiness, which God requires of us.
Ignorance of the ways of God is attributed to faithlessness of the priests. God rejected them because of abuse of the office. They encourage others in sin to satisfy their own appetites. But they would never find satisfaction. Through sexual indulgence and insobriety, practiced in the name of religion, they had lost the power to think straight (Hosea 4:11). The Bible tells the fathers, “do not drink wine nor strong drinks, thou nor thy sons with thee,” (Leviticus 10:9-11).
Noah was probably the first one, and the first time the wine was cultivated; and it is probably that the strength or intoxicating power of the expressed juice was never before known. Noah therefore might have drunk it at this time without the least blame, as he knew not till this trial the effects it would produce (Genesis 9:21). It deceives by its fragrance, intoxicates by its strength, and renders the intoxicated ridiculous; any strong fermented liquor, whether of the vine, date, palm, apple, or honey. Paul’s warning is, “not to be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).
To show the evils of wine and strong drinks, God gave strict rules to the priest about using such for common beverage (Leviticus 10:9-11). A death penalty went with his Divine rule, a statute forever. God’s Spirit and not strong drink should rule their minds, (Ephesians 5:18). He, Jesus Christ, will not drink any fermented liquors, which have the property of intoxication or produces drunkenness (Luke 1:15). Christ left us an example that we should follow in His steps (John 13:15).
We shall be filled with the Holy Spirit, not the Spirit of Wine. God’s Spirit was to direct through a clear mind; there is a penalty for violating that rule. We have found that wine and strong drink leads men away from God’s law and perverts judgment. Thus, its influence is definitely downward, away from God’s law, an enemy of Holiness, which God requires of us. Beware when a friend comes, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drinks (Isaiah 56:10-12). The use of wine in Biblical times (Proverbs 31:5-6) was both for intoxication and for medicinal purposes. Drinking wine and other strong drinks to become intoxicated, or drunken, was condemned, but in the days when there were only a few effective medications, wine was used as sedative to ease the suffering of the dying.
Here the matter is made very plain that drinking wine or other strong drinks are poison to both Soul and Spirit that it often leads to Lust and Sin (Proverbs 23:29-35). God said to not look upon it, or in other words, to leave it entirely alone. Do not drink it as a beverage. Just a little will take hold of the mind and stimulate the lust of the flesh. Our bodies are the temple of God and if we defile that temple, God will destroy us. Let neither the color, the odor, the sparkling of the wine, when poured out, induce you to drink of it (Isaiah 5:11). However good and pure it may be, it will to you be a snare, because you are addicted to it, and have no self-command. Babbling (Proverbs 23:29) on a variety of subjects, which they neither understand nor are fit to discuss; their eyes bloodshot with excess of drink, black and blue eyes with fighting; these are the common and general effects of these computations that naturally follow after them. So that they who tarry long at wine, and use mixed wine and strong drinks are the very ones who are most likely to fall short of receiving God’s blessings.
“But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s Kingdom” (Matthew 26:29). It will be noted the word, “Wine” is not used here. It says “Fruit of the Vine.” There is no absolute proof here that “The Cup” contained wine, strong drink. If we take the inspired record as it is; The Fruit of the Vine could be pure Grape Juice, which would more fittingly represent the undefiled life of the Lord Jesus, His blood that was shed for us.
At the Passover they would hardly drink strong wine with unleavened bread. With these facts before us, it should be plain that it was not strong wine at that Passover service in Luke.
Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine (John 2:9). Was this Strong Wine, as some claim? How much glory would He or God get out of such a feast? The men had “Well Drunk” before Jesus made the better wine to finish the feast. It doesn’t take but a little reasoning to see the results if this were strong wine. All would be intoxicated to some degree, and some drunken, not to mention the unholy conversations and conduct that would follow. It was the best grape juice they had every drank with their feast, which our Lord now made being perfectly pure and highly nutritious.
It was probably the first He ever wrought; at any rate it was the first miracle He performed after His baptism, and the first miracle He did in public (John 2:1-11). His disciples believed on him; were more abundantly confirmed in their faith that He was either the promised Messiah or a most extraordinary prophet, in the fullest with the ever-blessed God.
“Woe to those who leads others into indulgence and immortality. “They will drink from the cup of the Lord’s right hand,’ that is his judgment,” (Habakkuk 2:15). “Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and mingle strong drink” (Isaiah 5:22). “Nor to drink wine, whereby thy brother stumbleth, or made weak” (Romans 14:21). Let us consider how we should labor to promote one another’s Spiritual interests, and not be a means of hindering each other in our behavior, on which, and not on questions of drinking wine or strong drinks, as the salvation of our soul depends on it. The Spirit and self-denying principles of the Gospel teach us that we should not only avoid Wine and Strong Drink which may be an occasion of offense or apostasy to our brethren, but even to lay down our lives for them should it be necessary. Here it means: Spiritually, anything by which a man is so perplexed in his mind as to be prevented from making due progress in the Divine Life; anything by which he is caused to halt, to be indecisive, and undetermined. Under such an influence no man has ever yet grown in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Paul, knowing His friend’s physical condition, indigestion or weak stomach, advised a sparing use of wine as a medical remedy, “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake,” (1 Timothy 5:23).
Pouring on oil and wine, (fermented), appear to have been used formerly as a common medicine, a disinfectant for fresh wounds (Luke 10:34). Binding up a fresh cut immediately, moistened with pure olive oil will heal the wound faster and disinfect more thoroughly than by any other means.
“Giving strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those of a heavy heart. Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more,” (Proverbs 31:6-7). This is a parallel of the advantage of the righteous and peace of mind, opposed to the miseries of the wicked and the foolish. This does not refer to a Christian at all, unless part of it is interpreted to refer to medical purposes. This is descriptive of what many people do with strong drink. They drink to forget their poverty and other troubles, but add more trouble to themselves.
God gave wine to Israel, but it was not strong drink. “Thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape,” (Deuteronomy 32:14). Pure blood of the grape was not fermented grape juice, for in fermentation the natural sugar that God put in the grape juice as a blessing to our bodies is changed into alcohol, which is poison to the body. This is the wine, grape juice, that maketh glad the heart of man, a blessing, and not a curse, (Psalms 104:15).
Strong drink used, as a beverage is a curse; an enemy to Holy living. Today it is a growing curse in America-a stumbling block to millions of young and old people. God led Israel for forty years in the wilderness teaching them His ways. He fed them, and their clothing did not wear out. They drank no Wine or Strong Drink all that time (Deuteronomy 29:6). If Israel was better off without the Wine and Strong Drink on their way to the promise land, so are we. Strong Drink would have added to their sins and rebellion. No Wine was used in the Passover services during the forty years.
The Scriptures show that drunkenness was one of the major vices of ancient times, even among the Hebrews. Among the better-known cases of intoxication are the following: Noah- (Genesis 9:21) and Lot- (Genesis 19:33-35). The prophets frequently denounce drunkenness as a great social evil of the wealthy. Even the women were guilty (Amos 4:1). The symptoms and effects of strong drink are vividly pictured in the Bible (Isaiah 28:7-8), (Hosea 4:11). The cheapening of alcoholic drinks has made drunkenness a much greater social problem in modern times.
There are two Wines spoken of in the Bible. The one, sometimes called, “Strong Wine” is strictly condemned as a beverage as a mockery, as raging (Proverbs 20:1). We are told not to indulge in it, because it is poison to us physically and morally (Deuteronomy 32:33). It is a curse in America and many other nations today, a stumbling block to millions. Several Hebrew words occur, of which two are frequent: Yayin, wine which is intoxicating; and Tirosh, fresh or sweet wine, grape-juice. In the New Testament the Greek word: Oinos, is new, sweet wine; or grape juice, which may imply that the disciples were known to drink only unfermented grape juice, the “pure blood of the grape,” that cheers God and man, a blessing and not a curse. This is the wine that Holy men of old drank. This is the wine that Jesus made at Cana. This is the fruit of the vine, Grape Juice that the disciples drank at the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:20).
Means for preserving grape juice were well known. If one wished to have grape juice all year, he would put grape juice in an amphora and seal the cork with pitch; sink it in a fish pond, and after 30 days take it out. It would be grape juice for a whole year. At the Last Supper Jesus spoke of “the fruit of the vine,” (Matthew 26:29), as in the Passover liturgy. It may be a studied avoidance of the term wine; indicating that the drink was unfermented, as the bread also was unleavened. Whatever use Jesus or others made of wine is no proof that its use in our tense age is wine. The Bible gives more space to the danger than to the benefit of wine.
The word “Wine” as used in the many Bible texts does sometimes refer directly to the pure grape juice, and that some texts refer to strong wine, or fermented juice; while some texts using the word “Wine” may refer to either. Since God so pointedly condemns strong drink as dangerous both morally and physically and refers to “Wine” in the same texts, this can only refer to strong wine used as a beverage-in social drinking.
Casting a stumbling block in a weak brother’s way is a sin against Christ and may cause both that weak brother and us to be lost (1 Corinthians 8:11-13). The weak brother could be your own child, so beware what you do, or it may be your neighbor’s son or daughter. The spirit and self-denying principle of the Gospel teaches us that we should avoid everything in eating or drinking which may be an occasion of offense or apostasy to our brethren (Romans 14:21). Or anything by which a person is caused to fall, especially into a snare, a trap (Luke 21:35). Without mental vigor; without power sufficiently to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, lawful and unlawful; Salvation could be lost.
We have found that wine is a mocker (Proverbs 20:1), and we have found that it leads men away from God’s law and to pervert judgment. Thus, its influence is definitely downward away from God’s law-an enemy of Holiness, which God requires of us.
Ignorance of the ways of God is attributed to faithlessness of the priests. God rejected them because of abuse of the office. They encourage others in sin to satisfy their own appetites. But they would never find satisfaction. Through sexual indulgence and insobriety, practiced in the name of religion, they had lost the power to think straight (Hosea 4:11). The Bible tells the fathers, “do not drink wine nor strong drinks, thou nor thy sons with thee,” (Leviticus 10:9-11).
Noah was probably the first one, and the first time the wine was cultivated; and it is probably that the strength or intoxicating power of the expressed juice was never before known. Noah therefore might have drunk it at this time without the least blame, as he knew not till this trial the effects it would produce (Genesis 9:21). It deceives by its fragrance, intoxicates by its strength, and renders the intoxicated ridiculous; any strong fermented liquor, whether of the vine, date, palm, apple, or honey. Paul’s warning is, “not to be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).
To show the evils of wine and strong drinks, God gave strict rules to the priest about using such for common beverage (Leviticus 10:9-11). A death penalty went with his Divine rule, a statute forever. God’s Spirit and not strong drink should rule their minds, (Ephesians 5:18). He, Jesus Christ, will not drink any fermented liquors, which have the property of intoxication or produces drunkenness (Luke 1:15). Christ left us an example that we should follow in His steps (John 13:15).
We shall be filled with the Holy Spirit, not the Spirit of Wine. God’s Spirit was to direct through a clear mind; there is a penalty for violating that rule. We have found that wine and strong drink leads men away from God’s law and perverts judgment. Thus, its influence is definitely downward, away from God’s law, an enemy of Holiness, which God requires of us. Beware when a friend comes, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drinks (Isaiah 56:10-12). The use of wine in Biblical times (Proverbs 31:5-6) was both for intoxication and for medicinal purposes. Drinking wine and other strong drinks to become intoxicated, or drunken, was condemned, but in the days when there were only a few effective medications, wine was used as sedative to ease the suffering of the dying.
Here the matter is made very plain that drinking wine or other strong drinks are poison to both Soul and Spirit that it often leads to Lust and Sin (Proverbs 23:29-35). God said to not look upon it, or in other words, to leave it entirely alone. Do not drink it as a beverage. Just a little will take hold of the mind and stimulate the lust of the flesh. Our bodies are the temple of God and if we defile that temple, God will destroy us. Let neither the color, the odor, the sparkling of the wine, when poured out, induce you to drink of it (Isaiah 5:11). However good and pure it may be, it will to you be a snare, because you are addicted to it, and have no self-command. Babbling (Proverbs 23:29) on a variety of subjects, which they neither understand nor are fit to discuss; their eyes bloodshot with excess of drink, black and blue eyes with fighting; these are the common and general effects of these computations that naturally follow after them. So that they who tarry long at wine, and use mixed wine and strong drinks are the very ones who are most likely to fall short of receiving God’s blessings.
“But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s Kingdom” (Matthew 26:29). It will be noted the word, “Wine” is not used here. It says “Fruit of the Vine.” There is no absolute proof here that “The Cup” contained wine, strong drink. If we take the inspired record as it is; The Fruit of the Vine could be pure Grape Juice, which would more fittingly represent the undefiled life of the Lord Jesus, His blood that was shed for us.
At the Passover they would hardly drink strong wine with unleavened bread. With these facts before us, it should be plain that it was not strong wine at that Passover service in Luke.
Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine (John 2:9). Was this Strong Wine, as some claim? How much glory would He or God get out of such a feast? The men had “Well Drunk” before Jesus made the better wine to finish the feast. It doesn’t take but a little reasoning to see the results if this were strong wine. All would be intoxicated to some degree, and some drunken, not to mention the unholy conversations and conduct that would follow. It was the best grape juice they had every drank with their feast, which our Lord now made being perfectly pure and highly nutritious.
It was probably the first He ever wrought; at any rate it was the first miracle He performed after His baptism, and the first miracle He did in public (John 2:1-11). His disciples believed on him; were more abundantly confirmed in their faith that He was either the promised Messiah or a most extraordinary prophet, in the fullest with the ever-blessed God.
“Woe to those who leads others into indulgence and immortality. “They will drink from the cup of the Lord’s right hand,’ that is his judgment,” (Habakkuk 2:15). “Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and mingle strong drink” (Isaiah 5:22). “Nor to drink wine, whereby thy brother stumbleth, or made weak” (Romans 14:21). Let us consider how we should labor to promote one another’s Spiritual interests, and not be a means of hindering each other in our behavior, on which, and not on questions of drinking wine or strong drinks, as the salvation of our soul depends on it. The Spirit and self-denying principles of the Gospel teach us that we should not only avoid Wine and Strong Drink which may be an occasion of offense or apostasy to our brethren, but even to lay down our lives for them should it be necessary. Here it means: Spiritually, anything by which a man is so perplexed in his mind as to be prevented from making due progress in the Divine Life; anything by which he is caused to halt, to be indecisive, and undetermined. Under such an influence no man has ever yet grown in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Paul, knowing His friend’s physical condition, indigestion or weak stomach, advised a sparing use of wine as a medical remedy, “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake,” (1 Timothy 5:23).
Pouring on oil and wine, (fermented), appear to have been used formerly as a common medicine, a disinfectant for fresh wounds (Luke 10:34). Binding up a fresh cut immediately, moistened with pure olive oil will heal the wound faster and disinfect more thoroughly than by any other means.
“Giving strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those of a heavy heart. Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more,” (Proverbs 31:6-7). This is a parallel of the advantage of the righteous and peace of mind, opposed to the miseries of the wicked and the foolish. This does not refer to a Christian at all, unless part of it is interpreted to refer to medical purposes. This is descriptive of what many people do with strong drink. They drink to forget their poverty and other troubles, but add more trouble to themselves.
God gave wine to Israel, but it was not strong drink. “Thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape,” (Deuteronomy 32:14). Pure blood of the grape was not fermented grape juice, for in fermentation the natural sugar that God put in the grape juice as a blessing to our bodies is changed into alcohol, which is poison to the body. This is the wine, grape juice, that maketh glad the heart of man, a blessing, and not a curse, (Psalms 104:15).